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When 5G will come in India?

When 5G will come in India?

Sunday 16 August 2020

When 5G will come in India?

When 5G will come in India?


Everyone wants to know when the 5G smartphone will arrive in India? When will India's first IT smartphone launch? If you also want to know the answer to this question, then this article is for you, because here we are going to give you complete information about the first 5G Smartphone to be launched in India

When 5G Smartphone Launch in India

The world's first 5G Smartphone Launch is going to happen. But in India, more than half of the people still use 2G-3G and where there is 4G network it does not work properly.

Despite having a 4G network in India, people are worried about Slow Internet Speed. In such a situation, every person wants to know how long the 5G Network and 5G smartphone will come in India.

When will 5G network come to India? I have already told about it in this article,
In India, 5G smartphones will become available to everyone in the next 1 year otherwise in 2-3. Experts believe that it will take 2022-224 to get 5G phones in India.

You must have read on news websites that 5G technology will come to India in the next 2-3 years. Many companies are working fast on this and 5G phones are going to be launched in India very soon.
Reliance Jio has introduced a demo of its 5G service at the India Mobile Congress. The company says that now it will also demo its 5G service at Reliance Corporate Park located in IIT Delhi and Navi Mumbai.

If we talk about 5G Smartphone, then companies all over the world are working fast on it. Many companies have claimed to make the 5G smartphone available in the market by next year.
South Korea and China lead the race to launch 5G phones. It is expected that these companies will launch it by next year.

The Chinese telecom company ZTE has launched the world's first 5G smartphone on Sunday. When is the 5G phone going to be launched in India too.

The only problem is that 4G network is not working well in India, so what is the use of bringing 5G network? This is why companies retreat.
Because when 5G network will not be able
 to get good speed even then who will use it. We hope that this problem will be resolved soon.

What features will a 5G Smartphone have?

We all know what will be gained from 5G speed. But you should also know that it will monitor your physical activities more thoroughly.

If you are connecting your best mobile band, seeing your health disturbances, your 5G mobile will immediately inform your doctor.

The download speed will be around 1GB per second, which is 10 times more than today's downloading speed. Watching movies and TV in 5G mobile will be easy.

This will give a big boost to the technology related to virtual reality. Now you will be able to try clothes virtual and film-makers will also start releasing films online with silver screen.

Today we connect with our loved ones by video calling. After the arrival of 5G Smartphone, you will be able to connect with your loved ones physically, its experience will be exactly like real.

The battery life of 5G Smartphone will also be more, because there will be less fluency in speed and searching, browsing, downloading, uploading in 5G phone will also be very fast.

All ork will be quick, this will save your time and if all work is fast then the battery power of the phone will be less expensive. Now you can understand why the battery life of a 5G phone will be longer.

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There are more 5G Smartphones in the world and later on in 1 year or 2-3 years 5G smartphones will come and then you will be able to take super fast internet calls.

With the introduction of 5G technology, all your online work will become easy. There will be a lot of progress, saving time. Even Digital India will change completely.

But the disappointment is that to use the 5G service you have to buy a new 5G smartphone. You will remember that when 4G technology came, we had to get LTE technology support phones.

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