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Monday 20 July 2020

How to create email ID/gmail ID

How to create email ID/gmail ID


Google account is called Gmail account, we all know how much it has become to create an email ID because it is useful in many places like sending someone email, login in application or shopping online etc. All work today is done by email. Apart from this, if we buy a mobile, then it is necessary for us to have an email account to run all the mobile applications in it.

We are going to tell you about How to make Email ID in this post of ours. Today in this age of Internet, everyone wants their Email ID, but many people do not know how to get their Email ID so our post is for those who want to know about how to create Email ID.

 Sometime back, Gmail account was created only by invitations of users whose account was already verified by Google, this does not happen today, Google gave everyone the right to create an email ID account.

How to make Email ID

Creating an email address is very easy to make, as it is completely free, and neither will you be charged for this service in the future. Some people make Gmail accounts by paying money in the market. But today we will tell you the how to create Gmail ID. Because people often get confused about what to do for making Email ID and people create their account on some wrong website, if you have your Gmail ID, read this post till the end all your questions will be over .

Step 1: Open Browser

First of all, open any web browser you use, we are using Google Chrome here People have made it.

Step 2: Click On Gmail Option
You will see the option of Gmail like this in the right corner, you have to click on this Gmail button.

Step 3: Create Account
Now you have to go to More Options and click on Create Account, after which some such page will open in front of you.

Step 4: Enter Details
In this page you have to put your first name in First Name, and place your Surname in place of Last Name.

Step 5: Select Username
In the next step, we have to select your username, this username will be your Gmail account. Every user of Google gets his or her unique Username, so you have to take a Username which has not been taken by anyone before.
If you enter a Username that has been taken by someone else, then Google will refuse to take that Username and suggest you to like another Username, you will have to select one of them.

Step 6: Choose Password
Now you have to create your password which you will use while logging in your Gmail ID. You have to keep your password very unique so that no one else can open your ID. In order to increase the security of all the users, Google has put some Restrictions in the password, they are as follows: -

You must have a Uppercase Alphabet in your password.

You must have a lowercase alphabet in your password.

You must keep your password longer than 8 characters.

You must put a special character such as (@% & *) in your password.

Your password should be in some format like "yash * 123"

Your password must be like it- ramu12@

Now again you will have to enter your password so that it is certain that you have not entered your password incorrectly anywhere and have entered it correctly in both the places.

Step 7: Fill More Details
In the next step, you have to select your gender, if you are male, then you select "Male" and if you are female, then you select "Female".

Step 8: Accept Terms & Conditions

As soon as you complete this form and click on the next step, the page of Google's "Terms & Conditions" will open in front of you, you have to click on "I Agree" on that page
And after that some such page will open in front of you, on this page you have to click on "Continue To Gmail"

And here you have your "Gmail ID" in front of your email inbox, remember, if someone asks you for your email ID, then you have to provide your email address in this way "".

 How to open Email ID
After creating the email id, follow the steps given below to login the email id.

Step 1: Open Website
First open the browser and open its website by typing in it.

Step 2: Sign In
In this, you will see the box of Email and Password. To login email, you have to enter your email and password and click on Sign In. Your email account will be logged.

So friends, how easy it is to create an email account, now you too must have learned everything good about your Email ID. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to create your Email ID and How to open Open Email ID

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