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How to qualify for Google adsense

How to get adsense approval | How to qualify for  Google adsense

How to get adsense approval | How to qualify for  Google adsense

How to get adsense approval - Top  Easy Step

Written by Yash soni

Welcome to, in today's article, we will know that How to get Google adsense approval ? Nowadays, many people are learning to earn money online while sitting at home, there are many ways.

If you also want to earn money sitting at home, then let me tell you that maybe it can be a very good decision for you and if you have your own website then there is no better thing than this
To get Google AdSense approval, it is very important to have daily traffic of at least 300 to 500 visitors on your website.

If your website has up to 2000 daily traffic, then Google AdSense can be the best platform for you, through which you can monetize your website and earn around 5 to 10 dollars on 2000 visitors. Or even more.

Applying for Google AdSense is very easy but perhaps it can be as difficult for you as to approve Adsense Account. Nowadays, in countries like Asian countries like India, China, Pakistan, it is becoming even more difficult.

Because the people of India are very smart, they do some tricks to get the AdSense account approved, which we Black Hat SEO / Paid .They also know by the name of traffic.

If you are not known, then let me tell you that through these methods traffic comes to your site but Google AdSense Account gets disapproved.

So I will just ask you to stay away from things like Black Hat SEO and all those spamming to make money for a long time so that your blog does not have any kind of damage.

Before knowing How to Approved AdSense Account, we know what is Google Adsense Adsense?

Adsense is an online advertising company run by Google, which was created by Google on 18 June 2003. In this, you have to copy the Ad Code and put it on your site, so that ads start appearing on your site. After that when someone clicks on those ads, then Google pays those website holders for that click.
Let us now know the names of those 3 things that can be Adsense Approve with the help of: -

1.      Website / Blog
2.      YouTube Video
3.      Mobile application

In today's article, we will learn from How to get Google AdSense approval from website / blog. Let's start:


How to get Google AdSense approval-

Getting Google Adsense Account Approval is not too difficult. If you keep these things in mind.
With this, before you read these points, you should read the Google AdSense Policy before that, then after that read the point directed by me.

1. Create Pages

The first and main task is that you create a page on your website, many bloggers are not aware of it. So let's know about those pages-

About us: Write more about your site so that visitors and Google can know your website better. (for example)

Contact us: Create Contact us page on your website and use your Email ID. Such as: - "".

Privacy Policy: In the privacy-policy page, you should tell about the policy of your site like what you use in your site, how you use the information of the visitor, which company's ADS you use, all of this page I can write it.

There are more such pages like Comment Policy, Disclaimer etc. But the top 3 pages are the most important. We create this page so that Google knows that we are serious in our work and our website is a Professional Site.

2. No CCP - Do CCE.

If you do not do CCP (cut, copy, paste) in your site at all, it will not only get Adsense in your site, but your website will become even more popular.

So what do you do instead of CCP, do CCE  (cut, copy, edit), this means that you copy and paste the article from another blog and paste it in Notpad and then that article in your language (fresh content, new words). Edit with and finally publish it.

3. Focus on Content - Google Adsense Approval Trick

Google Adsense Approval Trick

To get Google Adsense Account Approved, we first write an article ranging from 300 to 500 words and apply for Adsense and Adsense Application Approved was also used.

Everything is changing with time and according to that, in today's time, Google has become very strict and it does not approve your blog/website quickly.

Friends, Content is a major point to make Adsense Approval. You should write your article for at least 1000+ words, so that the content of your site will not be copied and traffic will also increase.

4. Do not forget to use copyright image and do not forget to add Alt tags to the image.

To get Adssense Approval on your site, photo also contributes a lot. So let's look at what kind of picture you should use to increase the visitors of your website and what should be specially taken care of.

Do not forget to use "Alt Tags" in the picture (i.e. you should not leave that option blank) because Google never reads the photo. He reads the image uploaded to your website through Alt Tag.

See the screenshot below for example-

If you see the name of a company making a picture, then you should not use that image. Because there is a danger of image copyright from it, so use your own created image.

You can download the image by going to to download the free copyright image.

You should not use "Adult / P * rn" picture at all because Google never accepts "p * rn site".

5. SEO Friendly Design / Layout / Navigation

SEO Friendly Design / Layout / Navigation

Keep in mind that the design of your site should be simple and easy, because it does not look good to see more chadak flare.With this, the navigation of all the pages should be used properly so that the visitor and Google do not face any problem.

There should also be no 404 ERROR on your website.

Do not add much at all in your widgets, just add only the work page.

6. Submit XML Sitemap For Adsense -  How to get Google AdSense Approval

You create an xml-sitemap of your website / blog and submit it to "Google, Bing, Yahoo" so that all the pages and posts of your site are indexed and Adsense can understand your site better.

7. Adsnese vs. Other Ad Network -

When you apply on Adsense, do not use another company's ADS on your blog.

By the way, we have many other companies like Infolinks, Chitika, whose ads and Google Ads can be used simultaneously, but when you apply, remove all the ads first and then apply. And adsense payment and adsense sign in is very easy.

8. How many posts should be there, how old is the website and how much traffic?

To get Adsense approval, how old the post, traffic and website are, there is no major point.

How old the site should be: According to the Adsense Policy, it is written in their policy that your website should be at least 6 months old. (in India)

But if I listen to myself and the big blogger living in India, then they have got their Adsense Account approved in 5 days and this is true.

So the good thing is that you do not need to sit for 6 months, when your site is fully prepared then you can apply.

Posts: How many posts will you apply? 50, 100 or 150?
If I say, you have to write 10 posts not 50 but 100! Yes, my friends, you can also get Adsense Approval in 10 posts, but the condition is that you have to have your content quality, and you will have to write the correct information and up to 1000+ words in that content.

Traffic: Traffic is an important thing for Adsense. If you have Adsense on your site and there is no traffic, then Adsense also has no benefit.
There should be Organic Traffic on your site which came from Google, Bing, Yahoo and also search engines and at least 250 daily traffic to your site. And Alexa Rank should be below 50,00,000.

9. Webmaster / Analytic - Google Adsense Account Approval Tips

Google Adsense Account Approval Tips

So what do you do now, create an account in Bing / Google Webmaster and submit your website so that all the pages and posts of your website can be crawl.

Now go to Google Analytic and sign in (use gmail account) and update the Analytic Code in your website, this will let Google know how much traffic there is on your website.

These were some points from which you can approve Adsense Account. If you still have to know anything about that How to get Google AdSense approval, then you can ask through comments.

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