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Tuesday 19 May 2020

How to write a perfect blog ?

How to write a perfect blog?

how to write a blog, free blog, how to make a perfect blog, perfectly imperfect

How to write a Blog- Hello friends, do you want to know how to write a Hindi or English blog or how to write a blog, today you are on the right blog because today I will tell you how to write blog.
Friends, although many people want to blogging, they do not know what is the right way to write a blog and they start writing their blog in any way but later it happens that they have that mind Six traffic is not found so that they are not happy with the blog and then quit blogging.

Which is in my manner is not the right decision because if you do not know how to write a blog then it does not mean that you stop blogging, you can learn it very easily.

And to help you, I am here and I will tell you that blog How to write a blog in English or in Hindi so that you can get the best idea of ​​what you need to take care of to write a good blog.

Many bloggers ask me that I have been blogging for a long time but why I am not getting much traffic and at the same time my Google ranking is very low, so what do I say and wrong about it? Am going.

So keeping this problem in mind, I decided today that I will write a post on this topic in my blog today so that the bloggers who write blogs will come to know that they are making mistakes and what they Keep in mind while writing a blog.

So friends today, I will try my best to understand you with my blogging experience and I hope that you will find this post very good and at the same time all those dots will be removed from your mind forever and you will know that what is the right way to  write a blog.

So friends, without wasting much time, let us directly see how we can write a profesional blog and what is the right way  to write a blog.

How to write Perfect Blog  

1. Select the correct topic

Friends, it is very important that you select the topic of your blog because it will define your blogging success and if your blog topic is not right then you will have a lot of difficulty in a successful blog.
So first of all, you have to sit at one place and ask yourself, on which topic can I write good articles, so that my blog readers will benefit immensely and they will get good information.

When you take this decision, then you will have any problem in writing your blog that you will have fun blogging me and then to see how fun blogging will be for you and you will be able to fully enjoy your blogging journey.

Many bloggers make this mistake and they start to write blog randomly, but if the blog is not made popular then I will request you to choose your blog topic very carefully .

And if you do not select your blog topics properly, then after some time, you will not get any interest in blogging and you will quit blogging in frustration that I do not want to.

2. Choose the right blogging platform- How to write a perfect blog ?

If you you want to make a successful blog then you have to select the right blogging platform because it is very important and it will help you a lot to get access to blogging.

You have two well-known blogging platforms such as blogger and wordpress. If you are doing blogging just for the time pass but you know that I will be blogging for a long time, then go somewhere and do your blogging more than time pass.  

And then you will start getting a lot of interest in blogging, then I will tell you that if you want to become a successful blogger from the beginning, then you should start a self-hosted blog on WordPress because it will be best for you.

And speaking of writing blogs, in WordPress you will enjoy writing blogs and you will get so many formatting tools, what to tell, you can create a self-hosted WordPress blog of only.

4. Do regular blogging

Friends, it is very important that you write new blog posts on your blog on regular basis, because this will increase the traffic of your blog and at the same time you will get new blog readers, then you must keep in mind that if you have your own blog then you have to write high quality content in your blog regularly because it is a successful blog identity.

Do not do such a thing that someday you get excited and write 10 blog posts, but do not write any posts again for the next 1 month, this is a very wrong way to do blogging. In the best way, I tell you that if you have a lot of time, then you should definitely not publish them at the same time on a blog post.

You have to schedule your blog post which if you do not get time on that day for any reason, you will have already written those blog posts to blogging so that your readers will always and regularly get new articles. And this is the best way to write a blog, which you must also adopt friends

5. Always write quality content-How to write a perfect blog ?

Friends, this is a very important point and is that the best way that you will always have only high quality content written in your blog because Google loves high quality content very much and you get good ranking in Google and other search engines.

Google very much dislikes flame quality content and if your blog has flame quality content, then you give up the dream of becoming a successful blogger because the time was different when you were able to get good traffic even by copy-pasting, but today Time is very different and Google only allows high quality content.

And you should also keep in mind that you will have to do this forever, not that an article is of high quality and 10 articles are flame quality because your article from one article will not be called high quality blog at all.

So if you want to write your blog succesfully, then you must always be very active on the content quality and do not write flame quality content in your blog at all.

4. Write profitable articles-How to write a perfect blog ?

Friends, do you think that you will write any kind of blog post in your blog and you will get a lot of traffic from Google, then you are totally wrong because many bloggers make this mistake, they spend more time only on the count of blog posts Takes to grow.

He wants to get a lot of blog posts in his blog as soon as possible and to do this, he publishes a lot of flame quality content in his blog so that he does not get the benefit but he definitely suffers the loss.
And neither is it easy for them to get more traffic, then you have only written profitable blog posts in your blog because this is a tremendous way to increase your blog traffic.

And if you want more and quick traffic in a short time, then there is no other way, and its friends and I use it in the same form, which gives me a very good result.

Friends, this is such a tremendous way that you will help a lot in making your blog successful.

4. Never copy paste!

Friends, I have seen 95% of bloggers who are very expert in copy paste and publishing and they think how stupid other bloggers are who sit like a blog post for hours and how smart we are in their blog in a minute Publish the post in your blog by pasting the cut copy.

But friends, if I say that blogger is not crazy, nor Google, Google records the published date of every blog post and if your blog post will be a duplicate that matches any other blog post, then Google is the first See which blog post was first published, so that Google knows who has copied and pasted and who has actually verified.

So Google always promotes original content in its search engine and due to duplicate content gives that blogger's blog a lot of flame ranking and will also do the penalties if you exceed the limits of copying and pasting.

So friends, do not use any such shortcut because it is better than writing such a blog that you do not write a blog because you will not get good traffic and ranking at all.

So friends, how to write your own blog or how to write a blog and I heartily pray that you will be successful in writing your blog and why it will not be good and I am complete Believe that if you follow my given tips and methods correctly then you will be able to write a successful blog and nothing can stop you from becoming a successful blogger. Thanks guys,

Tag- how to write a blog, free blog, how to make a perfect blog, perfectly imperfect

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