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SEO Tips For image optimization for Beginners Blogger & Wordpress Website

10 Secret Image Optimization Tips for SEO Tips For Beginners Blogger & Wordpress WebsiteSecret image optimization tips for SEO

By yogendra soni,

Image optimization tips for better SEO - Search engine optimization aims to increase the visibility of website and web content. In this context, internet marketers use various SEO strategies to boost the ranking of websites or web content of different businesses. As far as search engine optimization techniques are concerned, these are constantly changing as the Internet is evolving over time.
When dial-up internet access was used, users had to wait longer to load images on websites. In contemporary times, individuals may experience faster web access in mobile devices. Optimization of images is very important for users as well as search engines and there are many ways by which a user can optimize images for search engines.

Image optimization tips for better search engine optimization, Image optimization tips for better SEO -

1.Use the correct image

To be successful as a search engine optimizer it is important to find the website and then use the right image. There are many websites that allow SEO professionals to search for the right images. is a web portal with a wide selection of different photographs. An SEO professional can choose from these photos, they can filter the content by license.

It is easy to find pictures that can be used for commercial purposes. But, in this regard it is important to understand that a person needs to have all the necessary permissions to use or alter the image according to the requirements or requirements.

Apart from, other websites that a search engine optimizer can view to view images include the following: - Freeze, Unsplash, New Old Stock, Public Domain Archive

2.Choose the correct file format

After choosing the right image, it is important to decide on the file format to suit the user needs, requirements. Search engine optimizers are most concerned with pictures, photorealistic complex graphics. Therefore, in this context, there are three widely used image formats from which SEO professionals can make a choice.

JPEG is a commonly used image format. This format uses data compression that can slightly damage image quality depending on PC user settings. When compared to other file formats such as PNG, GIF JPEG does not support transparent backgrounds. The advantages of using this format is that it keeps the file size small, the format is supported almost everywhere.

GIF is a bitmap image format, which is used in art as well as animation. The format supports about 256 colors. It is recommended for photorealistic images, photographs. Features of GIF include its small file size, support for transparent backgrounds. Due to which the file format is not suitable for creating company logos, website page elements.

The other image format is PNG and is considered a modern alternative to JPEG as well as GIF formats. PNG has an improved range for color, supports transparency, and possesses auto gamma correction features. PNG stores a small description of the content of the image so that search engines can classify images. It is understood that this file format is the most modern. The file with the PNG extension is slightly larger.

3.Optimize your images for the web

Page speed is very important for any site and image compression plays a very important role to speed up any blog.
The SEO professional needs to follow some tips when optimizing images for the web. It is important to reduce file size to some extent, but not at the expense of image quality. This can be done using several methods, but the smart way to accomplish this is to use an online compression technique, tools such as Compress JPEG or TinyPNG. The tool is simple to use. The user needs to upload the image to the web application and the latter takes care of online compression.

4.Use informative filenames

The filename must be informative. You can download the picture from the camera and in that case you have to give a name that is descriptive. By giving a descriptive name you are making it convenient for search engines to find images. It is advised to use your keyword in the file name. For additional details on this you need to check online on the ways that naming is practiced in relation to image files.

5.Notice alt text

It is important to be attentive to the alternative lesson. These texts are used to display image recognition when the user hovers over the text using the mouse cursor. Alternate texts are shown to users when problems occur during image rendering. Upper texts are used by screen readers so that visually impaired people have no problem navigating the web. Blind persons have limited information besides file name, search engine which helps them to know about the web image. But the inclusion of a composite text helps the user to accurately describe the picture content. It needs to be understood that a simple Alt text is enough to make Google, other search engines tell everyone about the image. This ultimately helps search engine professionals, using SEO skills, rank better in search engine result pages.

6.Separate your thumbnails from main images

It is important to separate the thumbnails from the main images. Thumbnails should be small so that page load time is minimized. SEO professionals need to resize thumbnails, they need to use the appropriate compression level for this. It is important to keep the pictures quite small. How can pictures be kept small in size? Use of appropriate photo-editing software such as Photoshop, other free tools like Pixlr, Fotor can be used for this purpose.

7.Create Image Sitemap

Search engines like Google encourage SEO professionals to use Image Sitemaps for image optimization. These help in finding more and more images available in the website. Product images, slider gallery images are often used by SEO professionals to create image sitemaps. If you have a website and an image sitemap for your site, then adding image information to it is easy. Alternatively, you can use a separate sitemap for images. In this context, it is important to understand that creating a sitemap is not as complicated. For the various URLs listed in the sitemap, you need to add image information to that page. There are examples available online which you can see in this regard. WordPress users can use WordPress plugins for image sitemaps such as Udinera or Image Sitemaps.

8.Do not rely on third-party image hosting

There are many image hosting platforms such as Imgur, Postimage etc. and they provide services for uploading images to their large servers. The advantages of doing this are saving space, reducing site bandwidth. The disadvantage of using these hosting services is that images can be blocked or destroyed when there is a large amount of web traffic. Therefore it is recommended to use individual servers to host images. The practice of hosting images in individual servers is beneficial in the long run.

9. Integration with social media

The importance of social media web portals in search engine optimization is increasing. Professionals in this field need to integrate images with social media platforms. This means adding social media sharing buttons to the website. In this context, there are some popular methods by which the number of visitors to the website can be increased. There are social media websites such as Image Stakeholders that allow visitors to share site images as well as links. Search engine optimizers need to use effective strategies to optimize the mode and its appearance of image sharer icons. For more information on this the SEO professional needs to find suitable content online.

10. If in doubt, consult Google's webmaster guidelines

It happens that SEO professionals are faced with issues when they try to optimize images. In this context, it is required to say that search engines such as Google have formulated a set guideline for publishing images which allows the website owner to optimize their websites for search engines. The appropriate online links help the user clear up any ambiguity in this regard.

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