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Saturday 16 May 2020

What is Google adsense make money online

what is google adsense

 What is Adsense Make Money Online

what is google adsense and how does it work?

What is Google AdSense? Many of you must have heard this name. When we do blogging or some other work online, then most people have the same motive as to how to earn money. Making money online is not a big deal. Everyone can earn money from Internet, but for that you have to be hardworking. They have not put internet and their income will be started by creating a blog or website. No one has got anything without hard work and neither will they get it. You always have to be serious about your work.

After creating a blog, money does not come from there. You have to prepare your blog for that. Just like we do not get money from planting grains, for that we have to sell them. So similarly you will have to put advertisement in your blog. Whatever you advertise in your blog, it will give you money for that. AdSense is also a kind of advertising company, through which you can earn a lot of money. Let's know about him in details.

What is Google AdSense  AdSense is a Google product that displays advertisements for automatic text, image and video on a publisher's website or blog. Most bloggers depend on it. If your blog is AdSense approved, then you can put its ads on your blog. With this, you can make money in two ways.

Impressions:  It pays according to the number of times your ads are seen every day. You can assume that it gives $ 1 for every 1000 views.

Clicks:  It depends how many clicks on your ads.

Once your account is approved in Adsense, then you can look at the ads according to yourself and also decide where it will appear on your blog. When visitors come to your blog and see ads and clicks in it, then your earnings will increase. Once it becomes $ 100, you can transfer it through check or direct to your bank account.

Not just on blog or website, it also works on YouTube. People mostly like watching good videos after reading something, and this is why YouTube is the 3rd best website in the world. You must have noticed that while watching videos in YouTube, you see some ads, these are not ads of Google AdSense.

If there are no visitors in your blog, then there is no benefit of putting AdSense ads. It is not that AdSense does not approve on less visitors, it is such an advertised network that you can approve in any number of daily visitors. That is why it is very popular in the blogging world.

How does AdSense work?-What is Google adsense

Those who place ads in their site are called publishers and whose ads we see are advertisers. Suppose Airtel's ads are showing in your blog, it means it is an advertiser.

If you want to show ads of a company on your site, then it is not possible that you can talk directly with that company. In such a situation how many companies will you talk to. That's why Google introduced a product called Adwards. Through this, big companies or anyone who wants to promote their product or company in the world, they can register through it and add their ads.

how to make money from home

All company or products have keywords. Keywords are those by which people search on Google. If a product has a keyword on your website, then your website will appear related ads for the same keywords. When Google's robots visit your blog and detect a keyword in your website, then they match it with Adwords and show their ads which are its products. If you have written about smartphone in your blog, then advertise related to smartphone will appear in your blog. All these ads belong to those companies who have added realte keywords to their products in Google Adwards. And whenever we use their keywords in our post, we see their ads only.

And one is interest-based advertising. When you visit any e-commerce or website of any product, then the history and data of everyone remains saved in your browser. When you then visit a blog or website which has AdSense ads, it accesses your browser's data and shows ads according to your previous visited page. AdSense believes that if you have interest in it, then it shows you its related ads. Suppose you just visited your website of Flipkart and were dusting a mobile in it, then your next AdSense will be Flipkart or mobile related.

Here was some information about what Google AdSense is and how it works. If you want to know more about it, do not forget to comment below. And if you want to ask anything about Adsense or blogging or blogger then you can ask on comment or can contact us.

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