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Saturday 11 July 2020

10 weirdest laws around the world

10 weirdest laws of the world - Strange Laws Around the World

There are many such strange laws around the world which are difficult to believe. Today, we are telling you about 10 such weird-law laws of the world, by knowing about which you will say that you are the limit man, how can this happen, so let's know.

10 weirdest laws of the world

Different countries have different customs and laws. The laws that are in one country may be opposite in the other. But some places have very strange laws
Which is surprising to know about. Here we will tell you about such strange and poor laws around the world, which you will be surprised to know about.

This is the 10 most strange laws of the world

Although there are many strange laws in the world, but here we will only talk about 10. Yes, in future more laws can be added to it.

1. It is necessary to take a bath before sleeping.Massachusetts is a state in the United States of America (US) that has a strange law in a city called Boston.
Under which you cannot go to your bed without taking a bath at night and also you cannot take a bath on Sunday. It is illegal to violate this rule there.

2. It is important to remember the birthday
Samoa is an island country in the Pacific Ocean. If you do not remember your own birthday here then it is considered a crime. Here you have to remember your birthday.

3. Can not change the bulb itself
You cannot change your home bulb yourself in the Australian state of Victoria. Only those who have an electrician's certificate can replace the bulb.

4. Can not wash clothes together
According to United States Minnesota state law, it is illegal for women and men to wash their undergarments together in a washing machine.

5. illegal to kiss
The US state of Nevada, which has a strange law in the city of Eureka. According to this law, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman.

6. Can not take bath together
In the US city of Los Angeles, it is illegal to bathe two children together in the same tub. From here on our children like to take bath together.

7. Death penalty for jumping from roof
Even if a person jumping from a roof in New York City of America survived, there is a provision of capital punishment for him.

8. No qualification required to become President
Pakistan, the only country in the world, does not require any qualification to become president.

9. Abuse is not allowed
In a city of Alberta, it is banned even to shout and shout away, here nobody can quarrel with anyone, here it is illegal.

10. It is illegal to flush toilet
In Switzerland it is illegal to flush toilets after 10 pm. The government's thinking behind this is that it increases noise pollution. Due to this law, the situation of people sometimes gets bizarre.

These were the 10 weirdest laws, customs, rules of the world which is really very strange. If you live in India, then you will definitely think that there is a lot of freedom in India.
Anyway, laws are always made for the good of all. In the coming time, we will tell you about the dangerous laws of Korea. Then you subscribe to our blog so that you get information.

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