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Tuesday 23 June 2020

What is Coronavirus india ?

What is Coronavirus ?

Coronavirus india

Coronavirus IndiaCorona virus (covid-19) belongs to a family of viruses whose infection will cause issues starting from a chilly to shortness of breath. This virus has ne'er been seen before. The infection started in Dec in urban center, China. per United Nations agency, fever, cough, shortness of breath area unit its symptoms. to this point no immunogen has been created to prevent the virus from spreading.

As a results of this infection, issues like fever, cold, shortness of breath, running nose and inflammatory disease arise. This virus spreads from one person to a different. Therefore, charge is being taken regarding this. The virus initial caught in China in Dec. it's expected to succeed in alternative countries.

Viruses that match the corona area unit unfold through droplets falling from coughs and sneezes. The corona virus isn't any longer spreading in China at a similar speed because it is spreading in alternative countries of the planet. The virus named Covid nineteen has to this point unfold to over a hundred and twenty countries. thanks to the increased  risk of corona infection, caution has to be taken to stop it from spreading.

 Coronavirus India

* What area unit the symptoms of this disease?

Coronavirus india
Cowide-19 / corona virus includes a initial fever. this is often followed by a dry cough so once every week there's bother respiration.
These symptoms don't perpetually mean that you just have corona infection. In severe cases of corona virus, pneumonia, excessive respiration difficulties, renal failure and even death will occur. the chance is also serious within the case of the senior or people that have already got asthma attack, polygenic disorder or cardiovascular disease. Similar symptoms also are found in colds and contagion viruses.

* once the corona infection occurs?

There is no cure for corona virus at this point however medicines that scale back symptoms of the malady will be given.
Stay become independent from others till you recover.
Work is afoot to develop a immunogen to treat the corona virus.
It will be tested on humans by the top of this year.
Some hospitals also are testing antiviral medication.

* What area unit the preventive measures?

          The Ministry of Health has issued pointers to stop corona virus.

            According to them-

          Hands ought to be washed with soap in each 2 hours.
          Alcohol-based hand sanetizers may also be used.
          Keep the nose and mouth coated with handkerchiefs or paper whereas coughing and peeling.
          Stay removed from people that have cold and contagion symptoms.
          Avoid consumption of eggs and meat or eat before properly done.
          Avoid exposure to wild animals.

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